How To Play MineField

What you need:  teams of 2; 1 blindfold per team; a large flat area, a football field or a gym would be perfect; several "obstacles", i.e. traffic cones, cone discs, large balls, etc.; and last, a loud voice and good ears.

1.  Two people choose to be the field layout personnel.  They will then place all the obstacles around the football field or gym floor.  There is a "field" for each team, all of them equal in length. 

2.  Teams of two are formed and one person from each team is blindfolded before seeing the "field". 

3.  The teams are going to race against each other to the other end of the minefield by following the voice commands of their other teammate. 

4.  If a player steps on or runs into an obstacle they will then have to go back to the starting point and start over. 

5.  The first team to the end wins. 

6.  Players are then escorted back to a holding area where they cannot see the field layout personnel rearranging  the field. 

7.  Now it will be the other players turn to be blindfolded and made to go through the course.